34 个实用的混音效果插件超强效果器 Melda Productions MFreeFXBundle v14.16特别版VST音频效果器 暂无演示
34 个实用的混音效果插件超强效果器 Melda Productions MFreeFXBundle v14.16特别版VST音频效果器手机扫码预览

34 个实用的混音效果插件超强效果器 Melda Productions MFreeFXBundle v14.16特别版VST音频效果器

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  • 34 个实用的混音效果插件超强效果器 Melda Productions MFreeFXBundle v14.16特别版VST音频效果器插图


    • MConvolutionEZ:混响
    • MRatioMB:调制
    • MAGC:混音工具
    • MAnalyzer:频谱
    • MAutoPitch:音高调节
    • MAutopan:自动声像
    • MBandPass:滤波器
    • MBitFun:饱和和失真
    • MChannelMatrix:通道工具
    • MComb:滤波器
    • MCompressor:压缩器
    • MEqualizer:均衡
    • MFlanger:镶边
    • MFreeformPhase:移相
    • MFreqShifter:频率偏移
    • MLoudnessAnalyzer:响度分析
    • MNoiseGenerator:噪音发生器
    • MNotepad:快捷记事工具
    • MOscillator:振荡器
    • MOscilloscope:示波器
    • MPhaser:移相
    • MRatio:调制
    • MRecorder:录音机
    • MRingModulator:饱和、失真和调制
    • MSaturator:饱和和失真
    • MSpectralPan:立体声声像
    • MStereoExpander:声像扩展
    • MStereoScope:立体声频谱
    • MTremolo:颤音调制
    • MTuner:调音器
    • MUtility:混音工具
    • MVibrato:振音调制
    • MWaveFolder:饱和和失真
    • MWaveShaper:饱和和失真



    • 修改插件窗口大小
    • 可以在频谱和均衡里查看sonogram声像仪
    • 可以保存、读取、管理自己的预制参数
    • 可以获得更高的采样率支持
    • 每个插件下方不会显示一个很大的红色Logo
    • 帮助开发者开发更多的插件
    把你的电脑变成一个专业的制作,混合和掌握工作室!Meldaproduction McCompleteBundle是效果和仪器的最终集合,目前它包含114种效果和仪器,包括MDRUMMER、MPowerSynth、动态处理器、均衡器、调制效果(包括合唱和相位器)、混响器、立体声工具和分析仪。
    Turn your computer into a professional production, mixing and mastering studio! MeldaProduction MCompleteBundle is the ultimate collection of effects and instruments, and it currently contains 114 of them, including MDrummer, MPowerSynth, dynamics processors, equalizers, modulation effects including chorus and phasers, reverbs, stereo tools and analyzers.

    Everything you need
    MCompleteBundle contains all of our effects covering all the tasks involved in music production: composing, mixing and mastering. It also contains all of our instruments. With our included free for life updates, any new plugin we release moving forward will be free for you! And it takes just a few clicks using our update system…
    Subscribe and get everything for a budget price
    MCompleteBundle is the only product from MeldaProduction available via subscription rent-to-buy licence system. That means, you will be paying every month or year a rather small amount and have access to the whole bundle. And after your payments sum to the full price of the bundle, you’ll get a permanent licence automatically.
    Unique super-modern technologies
    The bundle contains traditional plugins as well as our revolutionary technologies, which give you the power to make your recordings sound incredible even if you haven’t spent the last 50 years as an audio engineer. High speed, simplicity, flexibility when you need it, crystal clear sound and minimal noise level are all standard in MeldaProduction.
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